3 impressive homepages to inspire your digital agency’s website design


Improve your agency website design to attract your dream clients

How can you turn your homepage into the best sales machine and trust builder for your digital agency? 

In my 20 years as marketer, I have seen too many agency websites that try so hard to come across as professional, they end up with boring homepages that get easily overlooked. 

If you want to attract your dream clients like bees to honey you need to transform your digital agency’s website design and make it more appealing. I’ve got some examples to inspire you, and I’ll share the mistakes to avoid. If you’d like to see these sites in action, watch my video where I talk you through each one!

First example: The stunning Elkcreative agency website design

I adore the Elkcreative homepage. They’re an agency owned by the fabulous Corey Dodson and use a stand-out and stunning design. 

Elkcreative Agency

It’s so important you show your clients what you can do for them by having a homepage that wows them instantly. Elkcreative’s agency homepage oozes fun. with the bold 70s-style images and super-approachable copy. It’s so memorable! 

If I was the marketing person in a company reviewing agencies to quote for work to my boss, this homepage would make me stop! 

Just think about this: people in corporate jobs are also just people; they sometimes get bored! I used to work at the Financial Times, so when we had juicy budgets to hire an agency, we relished the opportunity to bring in an agency with a personality. 

We wanted an agency that can not only deliver results but also make the process of getting there fun. An agency with a bland-looking homepage would not get on the shortlist.

And, if you happen to be in their niche – property and land development companies in Australia – you’ll notice the examples showcasing their best work. 

If you want to go after certain types of clients show off what transformation you can achieve for them. Don’t be shy about it – sprinkle your homepage with personality and the best examples of your work. 

Demonstrate what makes you best for their project from the word go. Your homepage is a conversation opener – you really have got to impress your visitors. 

I also like the wording for Elkcreative’s case studies: “The latest and greatest; proud of what we do.” It’s a great way to highlight their work and the passion they have for it. 

You want to sound engaging to signal you enjoy what you do. Any agency website design or branding project might turn challenging at some point – and you want to position yourself as a brilliant project partner. 

Elkcreative have plenty of social proof – another huge tick-box for highlighting that you’re the best choice. 

Corey and I chatted recently about his agency growth, and he said when the right prospect is looking at his website and personal brand, by the time they get in touch, they’ve already made the decision that Elkcreative is a strong contender for their project. 

That’s the power of a great agency website further boosted by a distinct agency founder personal brand. If you want to be inspired by Corey’s impressive personal brand, watch this vlog. 

What you can learn from Corey’s site

If, like Corey, you want your online presence to be so good that it’s doing all the selling for you, don’t hold back. 

Imagine someone scrolling through an agency directory like Clutch, be intentional about how you want to stand out. Don’t be afraid to make your site look different.

agency website design -Homepage example_Clutch

 In fact, one of the worst mistakes you can make is to look like all the other digital agencies, so ditch any stock photos and start showcasing your agency culture and team. 

What could Corey tweak? This was a tough one, but I’d love to see a photo of him on the Elkcreative homepage – there isn’t one at the moment.

3rd Example: Wonderist Agency

A larger agency from sunny San Diego, Wonderist Agency stood out to me because they’ve gone all-in with their niche – they’re a full-service dental marketing agency. 

Now, dentistry could be one of those more serious sectors but when their homepage loads you see a video in the background showing who’s on their team. Plus, they have such friendly video from their founders, a lovely married couple.

They tell their story and address the problems they see in the dental sector head-on. They talk about the use of stock images (I think you know how I feel about that!) and how they make their clients look more authentic. 

They make features of what makes them different – they give clients a dashboard which shows how their website and digital marketing is performing, and the fact that their secret sauce is their team of 30 and their 9 office dogs. And they have brilliant client proof. 

I often see agencies make the mistake of being too serious and dry on their websites, yet humour is such a powerful emotion to use to make your homepage memorable. 

Wonderist Agency tap into this – they know that dentists and dentist marketing people like to be entertained. They also present their stats in such a cute way, watch my vlog ‘Agency Homepages That Convert! To be inspired.  

What can you learn from them?

You can stand out with a niche, and become more relatable to your audience by showing who you really are – by revealing your best stories. 

Plus, how cool is their site with no stock photos in sight?! Even when you’re a smaller agency you can create authentic photos easily.   

Here’s an example from DesignBox: they’ve done an amazing job with their agency’s website design. 


They use real photos of the team, and it’s the same on their about page. If you want some inspiration for your own about page, you’ll enjoy the impressive agency examples and tips I share in this vlog.

Second Example: One Day Websites

When you build an agency owner personal brand you stand out from the competition. Chantal Edouard-Betsy shows us beautifully on her stunning homepage how this is done. 

She ‘builds shamelessly quick websites for creative female entrepreneurs who are ready to do serious business online’. 

I love her ‘as featured in’ section showing all her best guest appearances, because it builds so much credibility straight away. If you’re sharing your expertise on podcasts or as a speaker, this builds authority and trust. 

And I really like her website shame message: “Do you have website shame”? This must apply to so many business owners and they’ll feel like she’s talking directly to them. Chantal offers the solution – done-in-a-day websites that convert. 

‘It’s not all magic and goosebumps’ – Chantal encourages you to download her website preparation guide. This is a fantastic hand-raiser for people who are thinking about a new website – everyone who downloads this can be converted via email marketing.

gency website design -Homepage example-Chantal2

What can you learn from Chantal?

She has a niche which makes everything on her homepage so relevant for the visitors:

  • She works with female business builders
  • She offers quick websites that convert 
  • She understands their challenges and needs

It’s such approachable copy, because Chantal really speaks the language of her audience. And it’s brilliant she mentions her price range with the all-important ‘from’ caveat. 

This means she qualifies people who get in touch straight away and makes it less daunting for website visitors to contact her, as they have some certainty of the investment required  

And if you have a smaller budget, Chantal has a solution too – she has a range of lower-priced templates you can buy and customise yourself. 

Chantal successfully paints a picture of the lifestyle transformation (like photos of the beach) she offers to her clients and really shows off what she can do for them. 

What could Chantal tweak? I’d recommend that she adds a video message to build even more trust instantly. When I recently chatted with Chantal about her agency’s growth, (which is impressive!) we both agreed to add this to our to-do-list ???? 

Three Mistakes to Avoid with Your Digital Agency’s Website Design

1. Just because you can, don’t make your website so busy and fancy that the visitor doesn’t know what you want them to do next!

2. Avoid tech jargon! Your homepage is for your audience and not for your peers. 

3. Ditch stock photos and too many graphs – they don’t show why you’re the best choice.

 Ask yourself when reviewing your own digital agency website:

  • Are you addressing your dream clients’ pain points straight away?
  • Why have they come to your site?
  • Do you offer them decisive calls to action? 

Someone else who does this really well is my Wunderstar Imogen Allen – she says if you’re here for ‘this’, ‘click on this’ – she clearly guides visitors through her site to get to the information they need. 

Imogen offers a super-cool Agency Homepage Framework too, which you can find here.

What’s next for supercharging your agency marketing?

If you’re happy with your homepage, why not review your agency’s ‘about’ page next? I’ve got a blog that explains what you should do to make the most of it.


And if you’re ready to get support from a brilliant coach (me) to help you get your marketing show back on the road, check out my popular Wunderstars programme.

If you want to get a brilliant freebie from me to supercharge your content marketing, download 30 days of content inspiration for digital agency owners here.

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