Auf Wiedersehen lollipops: introducing Wunderstars
I am so excited to launch my new website and Wunderstars brand! Boy, it’s been super hard keeping this project a secret from you! In this blog I talk about my rebranding journey.
And yes, this is my virtual launch party ⭐️ so grab yourself a drink and some yummy snacks.
It’s always a brave decision to invest in growing your business. But it feels more daunting while faced with covid restrictions and economic uncertainty. So much feels out of our control as business owners and working parents.
So I spent many walks over the last 3 months, giving myself the same pep talk over and over again: “I’m going to invest in my business because I’m excited to show the world how much it has grown since I launched Lollipop Social nearly 4 years ago.”
Why have I decided to rename my coaching business? Well, whenever I meet new people in person or online, I want them to pick up the energetic and fun Wunderstars vibe straight away.
And I had found that people who didn’t know me sometimes assumed I was the founder of a social media agency. [I know many fabulous experts in social media management – message me if you need a recommendation – but my piece of the cake is personal brand and social media coaching for digital agency owners. This is where I can make the biggest contribution.]
Despite all of this ongoing pep talk and lots of coffee, there were still moments when I doubted myself and I woke up in the middle of the night questioning my decision.
However as a marketing coach I champion that it’s always the right time to invest in ourselves and our marketing. We have to show the best authentic version of ourselves across our digital channels, that’s what our audience deserves.
If we don’t invest in our branding, how else are we going to win more of our dream clients and stand out from the competition? And by hiring trusted marketing specialists, we are helping the economy as well. More on that later!
Why Wunderstars?
My ambition to rebrand was ignited because my business had grown and Lollipop Social didn’t represent me any longer. My clients have been happily calling themselves Wunderstars since I launched my coaching programme for digital agency owners last year.
I want to make the digital agency founders I work with shine. I want them to look great on social, make more money, get their dream clients and charge their worth. My clients own their space, have the confidence to be different, they are Wunderstars. I tested this idea with some of my clients in the early stages of my rebrand and it resonated with them.
There is also a personal story behind the Wunderstars name. My first business name was inspired by my son and his love of lollipops when we needed to distract him whilst waiting at busy airports or going to the hairdressers. And once again, when thinking about naming options, I turned to my family. My mum’s maiden name is Wunder and she is such an inspiration to me!
I am so excited that my new website is live. The wonderful team at Design Box built it and designed the beautiful new branding.
Rebranding has been emotional
Let me tell you, despite believing in my rationale for change, rebranding is an emotional project whether you’re a one person digital agency or have a team around you! I had lived my popular Lollipop Social brand for so long and really enjoyed all the visual props which came with the SweetLikeSocial theme.
When I posted that I was working on a new brand and website in one of my communities, I was even getting people saying, ‘oh Nicole, whatever you do, don’t lose the lollipops!’ So I had to really bite my tongue, because that’s exactly what I was doing!
Creating my new brand
My clients describe me as rather energetic and tell me that I make them feel good. I wanted my new brand to showcase my bubbly personality, signal ambition, have a hint of sophistication and above all to be joyful!
I always advise my clients that to showcase what it’s like to work with them they need professional photos that are truly on brand! So one of my first steps was to invest in new photos. I couldn’t resist sharing a few little glimpses of my personal brand photo shoot with Catherine Berry back in September.
I’m ueber happy with the result. I hope you agree, my new photos are energetic. Catherine really got me and what I stand for.

One of the biggest challenges I set my design team when it came to a new colour palette was: whatever you do, you must find a way to keep my green because my husband has just repainted my office. There’s one ‘video ready wall’ in my office that’s green, and that’s taken Mr O months, so there was no way I was going to ask him to repaint it.

I adore the new Wunderstars brand. I’m delighted that the new logo and branding keeps my favourite purple, brings in a really hot pink, but also still features the green. I was very open to the creative team’s ideas as long as they kept that green! If you want to get a glimpse of it, join me on my YouTube channel or on my Instagram channel.
As soon as we settled on the new logo design, I added two stars to my video wall and ordered some new tops in complementary colours for my vlogs!
Have you been feeling that your brand and online home are out of date? I know we often get so caught up in client work that we forget to look after our own marketing channels.
Sometimes all we need to make changes is a clear plan, tons of accountability and encouragement. Learn more about Wunderstars coaching to see how you can transform your marketing to win more of your dream clients!
If you have come all this way, DANKE, I appreciate you being here with me.
I’m ready to reach for the stars, are you?
If you’d like to stay in touch, sign up to my WunderMail, for your WunderHit of marketing and personal branding news for digital agency owners in your inbox.
Or join me over on YouTube for more tips.

2 thoughts on “Introducing my new brand”
Love the new branding, Nicole and its says “you” in spades! Well done for taking the plunge.
Hey Danielle, thank you so much for this super kind feedback. You’re my first comment on my new website ????????⭐️